This gorgeous snow session, is one ill dream about for a while! So much fun connecting with Rachel and her family for this gorgeousness!
A little bit about Rachel:
- What is your favorite color?Green
- Describe yourself in 3 words:Friendly, Athletic, Outgoing
- Favorite food(s)?Sushi and Chipotle
- Whats your most valued possession, and why?My most valued possession is my dang named Aspen. He shows me endless love and he is always the first person to greet me whether it’s me coming home or when i’m gone for more than 10 minutes. His favorite thing to do is to wake me up in the morning to receive attention and he will sleep all night by my door and wait till morning to see me.
- If you had the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world where would it be, and Why?If I could go anywhere I would want to go to Disney World. I’ve been once before for a week and I have very fond memories with my family and I love Disney. I could spend 2 weeks there and I would want to get the full Disney feel.
- Where do you work, how long have you worked there?I babysit full time and I have babysat for this family since July of last year. I baby sit and tutor them 5 days a week for 8 hours a day.
- What extra-curricular activities have you been involved with?In high school I have been on the QH cheer team for 4 years and this year I am varsity captain. This is my third year on the QH swim team and I love both activities so much. I have also been playing the flute for 8 years but I have been in the QH symphonic band for 4 years. I am also a member of CSF (California Scholarship Federation) and have been for the past 8 semesters of high school.
- Describe your family or a favorite childhood memory:My favorite childhood memories were the adventures me and my brothers would go on around the house or in our backyard. We would put on our halloween costumes and all be superhero’s and run around the house saving the day and having secret meetings on my parents bed. I remember how we would have to run and jump to get onto the high bed and we didn’t always make it sometimes and it took team work to pull each other up. In our backyard in Big Bear my two brothers and I would try to make things a hut and paths and we would work so hard and be so serious. We would be in the woods building a house and arguing who had to go collect what for us to survive. We used big sticks of wood and collected so many rocks. It makes me smile to think of how close we were and still are and how much effort we put into the smallest things and we never watched TV or had phones. We just had each other and that was more than enough.
- When I was young, I wanted to be this when I grew up…When I was young I wanted to be a scientists and create a serum to become a vampire. I loved twilight in elementary school.
- Now, I want to be…I want to be a neurosurgeon.
- My future goals, college I will attend, or careers I want to go after:In my future I would like to be a successful surgeon and I am planning on majoring in biology or premed in college.
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years?In 10 years I see myself either finishing college or have already graduated and starting at a hospital with an internship. I see myself being situated in life and happily married starting a family and my career.